Now choose allow, block or prompt for action as desired from the pop-up options box. Now click on the icon which is either check mark or block mark or question mark beside the selected program under permission tab. Now locate the desired program/software for which you want to block internet access. Now under application rules, choose all applications. Click on Setting button in the Right panel. Make sure Enable Firewall option is ticked. In the setting window, select Firewall from left panel. In the program window, click on Settings button. So, in order to be able to alter network/internet access settings, you need to make changes in Kaspersky rather than windows firewall.
So, if you’re trying to block internet access to any program via windows firewall, it might not work. So, if you’ve Kaspersky internet security installed on your system, Windows Firewall is disabled by default and Kaspersky firewall takes its place. If you don’t have third party firewall program installed, windows firewall is the default program. If you’re using third-party internet security software, they come with Firewall program/module to control access on the network.